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One of the things that has made Camp Sovereignty such a success has been the amazing support we have got from all the people of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and the rest of the world. This support has come to Camp Sovereignty in the form of presence, logistics, promotion, food, money, clothing and statements of solidarity.

The messages of support that we have got over the last few months have been magic. It has seemed like every time we got a bit down about what was going on, a flurry of emails would turn up and the smiles and hope would be back. If you want to send us your message of support, just send an email to campsovereignty@gmail.com and we'll put it up here.Thanks everyone!

Firstly i want to show my respects to the custodians of melbourne, the thorpe family, my niece june mills, and to all you people there today, i thank you all 4 being there on behalf of my mother & fathers people the gurindji & kungarakun nations, i also want to acknowledge, jess boylan, f.o.e. and simone siracusa who walked 4 peace & nuclear free world in aust/ japan 2004 and in jan 2006 at the launching of sovereignty day and THE BLACK GST, to all the people who dedicated 8 months of their lives on the INTERNATIONAL PEACE PILGRIMAGE from roxby downs to hiroshima an nagasaki and thru out japan, it is only thru people like yourselves that make a difference in australia and the world, i am setting up a "peace camp" @ lok-cabay an you're all invited to drop in if your in the "top end". [send email please!] ….

please all stay strong and support robbie thorpe, targan [he's been here] and all the mob who don't get to be acknowledged for their work, wish I was there to be with you all, but the spirit of the land will protect you YOURS IN SOLIDARITY & RESPECT
speedy mcginness

I just want to say G'day to all the friends I've made at Camp Sovereignty, white and Koorie.
I just want to say I admire all of you koorie brothers and sisters who have done so much, and have attempted to do so much more for all Aboriginal people.
I have seen, heard, and read enough un-intelligent, un-educated biased white hatred to sicken me for ages to come.
I know we white supporters got in your way, on your nerves, tried to say too much, say and do too little, but most of us just want to be there for you all.
I look upon all you mob I've met and shared with, as my friends, and I hope you mob may think likewize? luv yas. Bruce

Good luck to all,
I admire your loyalty, courage and persistence – keep up the fight – we'll back you up.
kathy & chris


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